
Transpetro opens public selection process for sea personnel

On January 9, Transpetro will open registration for the public selection process, which will select 321 professionals for the company's sea personnel. There are 107 vacancies for the deck boy position, 94 for the engine boy, 44 for the cook, 31 for the mechanical driver, 14 for the pumping driver, 14 for the steward, 14 for the electrician and 3 for the health assistant, in addition to forming a reserve list.
To compete, the candidate must have the proper registration, in accordance with the Maritime Authority Standard (Norma da Autoridade Marítima - Normam 13) and have the original basic documents properly updated by the Navy Control and Certification Register (Cadastro de Controle e Certificação da Marinha - Sisaqua) according to the intended category.
The minimum remuneration varies between R$ 3,712.67 and R$ 6,619.90, depending on the position. Those admitted will also be entitled to benefits such as educational aid for dependents, health insurance and supplementary pension plan.
Registration for the selection process runs through January 31. The tests are scheduled for March 11 (health assistant, pumping driver, cook and deck boy) and March 25 (mechanical driver, electrician, machine boy and steward) in six cities: Belém (Pará - PA), Fortaleza (Ceará - CE), Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul - RS), Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro - RJ), Salvador (Bahia - BA) and São Sebastião (São Paulo - SP). Candidates approved in this step will be invited to the physical training exam.
The announcement is available on the Cesgranrio Foundation website and applications must be made exclusively through the internet at www.cesgranrio.org.br.

See also About us> Careers> Sea Personnel.