
28/06: International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day

Every year on June 28th, International Pride Day for LGBTQIA+ is celebrated around the world.

The main purpose of this data is to promote awareness in the fight against homophobia, in order to build a society without discrimination and with equality regardless of gender.  

LGBTQIA+ Pride DY IS also a reminder for people to be proud and not ashamed of their sexual-affectional orientation and gender identity.  

Transpetro, with the support of its Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), seeks to create an increasingly healthy work environment that incentivizes equity, creativity and  innovation.  The teams in the company are comprised of people of various ethnicities, genders, backgrounds, ages, life experience and vision; aware of this, the committee promotes actions that stimulate respect for diversity and fight discrimination, encourage reflections regarding topics related to equity, and indicate actions to improve representation.  

To speak of the LGBTQIA+ cause in  the company means to discuss policies and actions required to provide rights, opportunities and healthy work environments for people in this community. In this publication, we cover the movement and its challenges, the importance of the cause and how companies can contribute through strategies and actions.