A subsidiary of Petrobras, Transpetro shares the Social Responsibility Policy of the whole Petrobras System, which believes that social responsibility means an integrated, ethical, and transparent management of business activities and its relations with all stakeholders.

When carrying out its activities, Transpetro is committed to the regions where it operates, with due regard to safety, the environment, and people, including the company's workforce and the communities surrounding its facilities.


Promoting human rights and citizenship

Generation of income, employment, and education

Social inclusion

Environmental preservation

Respect for diversity

Rejection of any kind of discrimination

Fight against degrading labor, slavery-like labor, and child labor


Ongoing dialogue

Recognition of Transpetro’s responsibility with populations near operational units

The importance of communities in the preservation of plants and the environment

Commitment to local development


Compliance with existing demands

Implementation of proactive actions

Culture of coexistence and co-responsibility with the community

Participation of communities in accident prevention actions

Contributing to development projects


Corporate Actions: To ensure that the corporate governance of Transpetro is committed to ethics and transparency in its relationship with the stakeholders.

Integrated Management: To ensure a socially responsible integrated management.

Sustainable Development: To conduct company’s business and activities with social responsibility, implementing the company’s commitments, in accordance with the principles of the UN Global Compact, contributing to sustainable development.

Human Rights: To respect and support internationally recognized human rights, guiding the company actions to the promotion of the principles of decent work and non-discrimination.

Diversity: To respect the human and cultural diversity of its workforce and of the countries where it operates.

Working Principles: To support the eradication of child labor, slavery-like labor, and degrading labor throughout the production chain.

Sustainable Social Investment: To seek sustainability of social investments for a dignified and productive insertion of communities.

Commitment of the Workforce: To commit the workforce with Social Responsibility Policy of Transpetro.