Sérgio Bacci


Sergio Bacci is a business administration graduate from the Senator Flaquer Integrated Colleges Institution of Santo André (SP). He has over 20 years of experience in the naval and offshore sector, logistics and maritime transportation, directing large companies such as Asgaard Navegação S.A., Opmar Serviços Marítimos Ltda. and Bram Offshore.

He had an important as representative of the National Construction and Naval and Offshore Industry Union (Sinaval) at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OCDE in fostering the growth of the Brazilian naval industry.  
Bacci was also Development Secretary for Transportation Activities in the Ministry of Transportation, with highlight on activities to modernize road, waterway and port infrastructure legislation.

Danilo Silva

Finance director

Danilo Silva is a graduate in Social and Legal Sciences at PUC Campinas, with specialization in Labor Economics from Unicamp and MBA in Financial Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) / Ohio University. He also received and Executive MBA in Business Administration and Management from the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE/IUL) in partnership with FGV.

With more than 21 years in the Petrobras System,  Danilo Silva stared his professional career in the refinery operation areas. He held various leadership positions in the Petrobras Social Security Foundation (Petros) and previously managed the Office of the Presidency of  Petrobras. Certified by the Brazilian Governance Institute (IBGC), Danilo held positions on the Board of Directors at Totvs, Invepar, Fras-Le and Iguatemi Shopping Centers.

Jones Soares

Maritime Transport Director

Jones Alexandre Barros Soares has a bachelor’s degree in Nautical Sciences from the Almirante Braz Aguiar Instruction Center and a Master’s in Service Management from the University Institute of Lisbon. He completed several courses such as an MBA in Business from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Negotiation and Leadership from Harvard Law School and Ship Management and Logistics from Cambridge Academy of Transport in the UK.  

He has worked in the Petrobras system for 31 years and at Transpetro for 22 years, with experience in the operations area, accumulating over 4,000 days of navigation as a deep sea captain and as captain of Petrobras Transportation – Fronape merchant ships. He has held management positions for 23 years, notable among them Ship Operations Executive Manager and Transpetro International BV Director.

He is a member of the Merchant Marine Captain Center, Brazilian Maritime Law Association - ABDM, IFSMA (International Federations of Shipmasters Association), the Nautical Institute of London and NAMEPA - The North American Marine Environment Protection Association.

Márcio Guimarães Costa

Terminals and Pipelines Director

Márcio Guimarães Costa is a graduate in Civil Engineering from the University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with degrees in Port Engineering and Terminal and Pipeline Engineering from Petrobras University and Executive MBA in Business Management from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation(FGV). At Transpetro for 16 years, he started his activities in 2007 as a terminal and pipeline engineer at the São Sebastião Terminal (SP).

In his trajectory in the company, he has distinguished himself in leadership positions such as Coordinator of Operations of the , São Francisco do Sul  Terminal (2011-2013), Sector Manager of the Paranaguá Terminal (2013-2015), Manager for Integrated Services and Equipment for the Sul Business Unit (2015-2016), Manager of the São Sebastião Terminal (2016-2018), and General Manager for the São Paulo Planalto and Centro-Oeste Business Unit (2018-2020). Since 2020, Guimarães was the Executive Manager for Pipelines and Terminals for Sul, São Paulo and Centro Oeste, responsible for the strategic management of seven waterway terminals, two offshore terminals, 18 land terminals, 13 roadway bases and over 4,160 kms of pipelines.

Tomás Braga Arantes

Corporate and Legal Director

Tomás Braga Arantes is an attorney and professor with over ten years of experience in Maritime Law, Petroleum Law and Tax Law, working in large law firms advising a wide range of clients among which are domestic and international shipping companies, port terminals and shipyards. He is an undergraduate and graduate professor of Maritime Law and Petroleum Law.

He has professional and academic experience in the maritime and naval law areas. He was a member of OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) commissions and of the board of directors of public and private companies and legal advisor for the National Naval and Offshore Industry Union.

The President and Directors operate from the company headquarters located at Avenida Presidente Vargas, 328, Rio de Janeiro, and may be contacted by phone at (21) 3211-9000.