The concern of Petrobras System with issues related to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) guides the initiatives involving Company's business. The HSE guidelines ensure the performance is safe, profitable and integrated with social and environmental responsibility in transport and storage of oil, oil products, gas, petrochemicals and renewable sources.

15 HSE Guidelines of the Petrobras System:

Leadership and Responsibility

Petrobras, by integrating safety, environmental concerns and health to its corporate strategy, reaffirms the commitment of all its employees and hired personnel to strive for excellence in these areas.


Legal conformity

Company activities must comply with legislation in force in the areas of safety, environment and health.


Assessment and Management of risks

Risks inherent to the activities of the company must be identified, assessed and managed so as to avoid the occurrence of accidents and/or ensure the suppression of its effects.


New enterprises

New enterprises must comply with the legislation and incorporate, throughout their entire life cycle, the Best practices in safety, environment and health.


Operation and maintenance

Company operations must be executed according to established procedures and using adequate facilities and equipment, inspected and in conditions to ensure compliance to the demands of safety, environment and health.


Change Management

Changes, both temporary and permanent, must be evaluated aiming towards eliminating and/or abating the risks arising from their implementation.


Acquisition of goods and services

The performance regarding the safety, environment and health of hired personnel, suppliers and partners must be compatible with the one in effect in the Sistema Petrobras.


Capacitation, education and awareness

Capacitation, education and awareness must be promoted continuously, so as to reinforce the commitment of the labor force with the performance in safety, environment and health.


Information management

Information and knowledge regarding safety, environment and health must be accurate, updated and documented, so as to facilitate their consultation and use.



Information regarding safety, environment and health must be communicated fast, clearly and in an objective way, so as to produce the desired effects.



Emergency situations must be provided for and must be met with expediency and efficiency, aiming to the maximum reduction of their effects.


Relationship with the community

The company must watch over for the safety of the communities where it works, as well as keeping them informed about impacts and/or risks eventually ensuing from the company’s activities.


Analysis of accidents and incidents

Accidents and incidents ensuing from the company’s activities must be evaluated, investigated and documented, so as to avoid their repetition and/or ensure the minimization of their effects.


Product management

The company must watch over the aspects of safety, environment and health of its products from their origin to their final destination, as well as strive for the constant reduction of the impacts that it can eventually cause.


Continuous improvement process

The continuous improvement of the performance in safety, environment and health must be promoted in all levels of the company, so as to ensure its progress in these areas.