Know what we are doing to prevent the theft of oil and derivatives from our facilities


Safety is our greatest asset and has absolute priority in our business.


We employ continuous efforts to ensure no accidents occur. Nonetheless, we face an

Issue that goes beyond our control: the theft of oil and derivatives from our pipeline



What is clandestine tapping?


We have been victims of criminal theft of oil and derivatives, also known as clandestine pipeline tapping. Our most serious concerns are the safety of people and protection of the environment, since criminal actions in pipelines bring about the risk of spills, fires and explosions.


The transportation of fuels via pipelines is safe and efficient, provided there are no criminal actions. The points where the facilities are located may only be accessed by authorized personnel and are duly signaled.




How does pipeline transportation work?


The pipelines are made up of special underground pipes, used to transport fuel through a different type of route. The easement strip is the location where various pipelines pass, interconnected and buried at a safe depth to form a network of pipelines.


In Brazil, Petrobras Transporte SA – Transpetro operates more than 14 thousand kilometers of pipelines, transporting fuels that help keep the country moving. One single day of transportation via pipelines removes 20 thousand tanker trucks from the roads. Transportation via pipelines is safer, fast, and does not contaminate the environment. Our easement strip operation is monitored 24/7 by a national control center.


Criminal actions have increased over recent years


Criminal actions in ducts may pose risks to the community, such as fires and explosions.


In 2020, the company recorded 201 cases of thefts or attempted thefts from pipelines in the entire country. In 2019 the company recorded 203 cases of pipeline thefts or attempted thefts in the country. In 2018 there were 261 cases, while in 2017 Transpetro recorded 228 cases.


The greatest concern is people safety. Contribution from society is extremely important.




How do identify and report fuel theft


Among the activities that may be considered suspicious are the following:

  • Night activities on the easement strips;
  • Strong smell of fuel in the area;
  • Presence of vehicles and people with hoses and other equipment;
  • Works and construction next to the easement strips;
  • People working on the easement strip not wearing Transpetro uniforms;
  • Tanker truckers in the vicinity of the easement strips;
  • Tractors and heavy equipment near the easement strips.

The population may contact Transpetro by dialing 168 should they detect any suspicious activities in the easement strips or adjoining areas.


The 168 number is toll free and operates 24/7. Confidentiality is assured. We also have a Whatsapp number through which people may send images and video: (21) 999920-168.


Fuel thefts impact people and the environment


The transportation of large volumes of fuel via pipelines is safe and efficient and the objective of the company is to prevent actions by unauthorized persons at our facilities.


The collaboration and engagement of the population neighboring the pipelines is very important in order to alert to the dangers posed to everyone due to these criminal acts. By caring for the pipelines, you are protecting your safety and that of your family and friends.




Learn about some of our prevention activities

  • Frequent visits to the communities surrounding the easement strips to promote awareness of the population neighboring the pipelines. The purpose is to minimize

      the dangers to everyone caused by this criminal activity.

  • Coordination with various external agencies to assist in fighting criminal activities in an integrated manner;
  • Technology development;
  • Simulated emergency response exercises, to ensure our teams are ready for any contingency.

If you see any dangerous or emergency situation in the easement strip:


Dial toll free



You may also send photos, videos and audio via Whatsapp:


(21) 99992-0168