We are a subsidiary of Petrobras and we share the Social Responsibility Policy of the entire system, which states that social responsibility means the integrated, ethical and transparent management of its businesses and activities and of its relationship with all stakeholders. During the course of our activities we honor a commitment with the regions where we operate as relates to safety, the environment, and people, including the company’s workforce and the communities that neighbor our installations.


Promotion of human rights and citizenship

Generation of income, employment and education

Social inclusion

Environmental preservation

Respect for diversity

Rejection of all forms of discrimination

Fight against degrading and slave labor and child labor


Permanent dialog

Recognition of our responsibility to the neighboring populations of the operational units.  Importance of the community in the preservation of the installations and the environment

Commitment to local development


Meeting of existing requirements

Implementation of proactive actions

Culture of coexistence and co-responsibility with the community

Community adherence to accident prevention initiatives  

Contribution to projects geared towards development  


Corporate Action: Ensure that our corporate governance is committed to ethics and transparency in its relationship with the stakeholders.

Integrated Management: Ensure integrated management of Social Responsibility.

Sustainable Development: Conduct the company’s businesses and activities with social responsibility, implementing its commitments according to the principles of the UN Global Pact and contributing to sustainable development.

Human Rights: Respect and support of internationally recognized human rights, guiding the actions of the company towards promoting principles of decent work and non-discrimination.

Diversity: Respect the human and cultural diversity of our employees and of the countries where we operate.

Labor Principles: Support the eradication of child, slave and degrading labor throughout the entire production chain.

Sustainable Social Investment: Seek the sustainability of social investments to ensure the insertion of the communities in a dignified and productive manner.

Employee Commitment: Ensure the employees are committed to our Social Responsibility Policy.



·  Pro-Gender and Race Equality


In 2009 we joined the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Program promoted by the UN Special Secretariat of Policies for Women and supported by UN Women and the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Brazil. The goal of the program is to promote equal opportunities between men and women in public and private organizations based on new concepts in people management and organizational culture. In September of 2015 the company was awarded with the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Seal.

In 2010 we were awarded for the first time the Pro-Gender Equality Seal granted by the Secretariat of Policies for Women, with the support from UN Women and the International Labor Organization. At the time the seal did not include the racial theme.

An action plan was developed for the 4th Edition in 2011, which included educational activities to combat gender and ethnic-racial discrimination and to strengthen initiatives against domestic and family violence. Two years later, in April 2013, we received the 4th Edition award of the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Seal.

Still in 2013, for the purpose of disseminating and clarifying the concepts and types of  moral harassment in the company, Tranpetro’s Moral Harassment Handbook was published. Starting in February 2014 the informational material began to be distributed to the employees.

Ten years after joining the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Program, the company is now working on the execution phase of the action plan for the 6th Edition of the seal. 

Abrinq Seal


In 2015 the Abrinq Foundation once more recognized Transpetro as a Child Friendly Company, confirming the importance of the activities we have developed to benefit children and adolescents. The program mobilizes and recognizes organizations that perform social actions for the promotion and defense of the rights of people in these age groups.

Among the projects that contributed to this recognition are:

  • Children Program, developed in Angra dos Reis (RJ)
  • Green Belt Ecological Program, at the São Francisco do Sul Terminal (SC)

Commitments of the Child Friendly Company Program




Fight against dengue fever


Dengue fever is one of the main public health problems in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 50 million cases of dengue fever occur annually, and 2.5 billion people live in countries where the disease is endemic.

For this reason we conduct this action to promote awareness by the labor force and the communities in the vicinity of the terminals and pipeline easement strips, in order to avoid contamination.

International Women’s Day

Our employees are present in all areas of operation, whether onshore or offshore. For this reason, as a way to honor those who greatly contribute to the attainment of results, various activities are developed on our operational units to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Don’t release balloons


During the June Festival period extra precautions should be taken with some practices that may place the celebrations at risk, such as releasing balloons, setting off firecrackers and boat flares and building huge bonfires.

For warning purposes we have carried out a wide-ranging awareness campaign directed at our employees and the neighboring communities of all our units in the country. Posters and flyers call attention to the problem, especially the risks in releasing giant hot air balloons, which threaten people and the environment and constitute a serious danger to the operational installations and employees of the oil and gas industry. It is prohibited in Brazil and may result in arrest.

During Carnival, don’t look away. Report it!


The Human Rights Department of the Presidency of the Republic – SDH/PR annually holds the National Carnival Campaign to End Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents as a way of making society aware of the level of this practice throughout the country.

This year, due to the need for a more comprehensive communication strategy for the protection and defense of the rights of children and adolescents, the carnival mobilization is aligned with the National Campaign for the Rights of Children and Adolescents. As signatories of the Corporate Commitment to Combat Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents, we have conducted a campaign with our employees during the period, releasing a video and poster promoting awareness of the importance of fighting sexual exploration of children and adolescents.

May 18 – National Day Against the Abuse and Sexual Exploration of Children and Adolescents


The May 18 day was instituted by Law 9970/00 as the National Day Against the Abuse and Sexual Exploration of Children and Adolescents. We initiated activities on May 18 throughout the country for the purpose of promoting awareness by our employees and society of the importance of protecting children-juvenile rights and disseminating the Dial 100 Hotline.

The activities are held during the month of May. Among them is the dissemination of the Dial 100 Hotline in the company’s internal media, its terminals and the neighboring communities of its operational units.


Pink October

Campaign for breast cancer prevention, supported with seminars by health care professional. Activities directed to female employees and women in neighboring communities of the company’s operational units.

Blue November

Campaign for prostate cancer prevention and male health, supported with seminars by health care professional. Activities directed to male employees and men in neighboring communities of the company’s operational unit.

Black Awareness Day

Activities reinforcing the importance of the black population in building the nation and of the path ahead to abolish prejudice. The theme of the campaign was Prejudice and Nip this Evil in the Bud, focusing on the cultural background of the problem, which originates in infancy through various sources. The purpose was to encourage a reflection on the prejudice that still exists in institutions, the professional world and within the framework of our society.

White Ribbon

The White Ribbon event (December 6th) was part of the 16 days of activism for the end of violence against women (from November 20th to December 10th). The day marks the commitment by men to end abuse against women and is part of the Pro-Gender and Race Equality Seal agenda. 




Community Relations

One main focus of our Social and Environmental Policy is the permanent dialog with the institutions and communities of the areas influenced by our activities.



At Transpetro, the Volunteer Committees are formed locally and are open to all who wish to participate. The activities are supported by the Social Responsibility Management.


Community Relations

One main focus of our Social and Environmental Policy is the permanent dialog with the institutions and communities of the areas influenced by our activities.

This coexistence is based on the following principles:

  • The recognition of our responsibility to the communities neighboring our installations;
  • The importance of the participation of the community in the preservation of these installations and the environment of the associated areas, and  
  • The commitment of the company with the socio-economic development of the cities where we conduct our activities.

Community relations include activities to disclose our activities both on the local and the national level, promotion of events to integrate the operational unit with the local community and the support or sponsorship of projects and actions directed at improving the quality of life of the population.

Some of the activities conducted with our stakeholders are shown below:

Transpetro sponsors 85th Fisherman’s Festival in Itacuruçá (RJ)

Transpetro brings art and joy to hospitalized children

Green Belt Project by Transpetro receives award in Santa Catarina

Transpetro is again recognized as a Child Friendly Company

Itinerant Tent V Project

. Modality: Sponsorships
. Coverage: Osório, Tramandaí and Imbé - Rio Grande do Sul (RS).
. Audience: 4th grade in schools neighboring the Transpetro installations.
. Objective: promotes the practice of leisure in all its aspects, especially leisure as an instrument of education, inclusion and personal development. It values the schools and communities neighboring the terminal.  

The Itinerant Tent V project will provide continuity to the environmental education, citizenship and development and communication activities with the stakeholders on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul state. The projects has two axes: in the first 4 workshops are held using educational, empowerment and income generation practices for groups in neighborhoods adjacent to Transpetro (entrepreneurship, personal development, urban vegetable gardens and business planning). The second axis consists of the Sustainability Contest, with the 4th grade of 13 municipal schools neighboring the installations of Imbé, Osório and Tramandaí, disseminating concepts and attitudes related to sustainability. In this year’s edition the central theme will be Social Innovation – Water, filled with content related to the socio-environmental projects of Transpetro and its installations on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul.

Green Belt

. Modality: Agreement
. Coverage: São Francisco do Sul Terminal, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul (RS).
. Objective: The campaign planted approximately four thousand native species. It includes a forest park, ecological trails, welcome center, library and zoological-botanical museum.

Created in 2004, the Green Belt Ecological Project is located in an area adjoining the São Francisco do Sul Terminal (Tefran) in Santa Catarina, where it occupies an area of 70 thousand square meters, acquired by Petrobras at the start of the 2000s. The location, where previously there were 56 houses and 174 lots, now is an immense green area, with more than 12 thousand Atlantic Rainforest seedlings, among them the Brazilian redwood, and a community vegetable garden that has fed the young and elderly far from its borders. The project has grown and now includes a forest park, a greenhouse made of PET bottles, the programs Community Vegetable Garden and Live Vegetable Garden and an infrastructure composed of 300 meters of elevated ecological trails, the Zoological-Botanical Museum and the Welcome Center. In its 13 years of activities, the project has already served over 25 thousand people, who upon visiting it enjoy a large green area essential for maintaining the environmental balance of the municipality.

Keep an Eye on the Pipeline

"Constitutes a Social Responsibility project focused on creating links of trust between  TRANSPETRO and residents of communities neighboring the pipeline installations, involving children, adolescents, youths, adults and the elderly. The project Keep an Eye on the Pipeline conducts its activities through a program of regular visits to 39 municipalities in 4 states, Rio Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais, totaling 101 participating communities, by performing 606 artistic-cultural activities in 2 years."

. Modality: Agreement
. Coverage: 101 communities distributed among Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states.
. Objective: Bringing art and culture to the neighboring communities of the pipelines operated by the company, enhancing a sense of local belonging.

Clean Easement Strip

.Modality: Agreement
. Coverage: 51 communities in 6 municipalities of São Paulo in the vicinity of the OBATI grid.                                                                                                                .Objective: Environmental Education and selective waste collection and disposal; easement strip cleaning taskforce.

The Clean Easement Strip project has the purpose of using Environmental Education to promote improvements, preservation, education and income generation for the communities established along Easement Strip of the Transpetro Barueri-Utinga (Obati) Pipeline. During the three-year period, until 2020, the project will serve 51 communities located in the Municipalities of São Paulo, Barueri, Osasco, Taboão da Serra, São Bernardo, Diadema, Santo André and São Caetano do Sul.


At Transpetro, the Volunteering Committees are formed locally and open to all who would like to participate. The actions are supported by the Social Responsibility Director.

Among the annual actions:

    Warm Clothing Donation Campaign

    Volunteer Day

    Children’s Day

    Solidarity Xmas



Enroll your project


List of Sponsorships


We sponsor cultural, sports and event initiatives related to company activities targeting the various communities in Brazil, governing our actions according to the guidelines of the Petrobras Corporate Programs.


Enroll your project


We follow the sponsorship guidelines of Petrobras. As a business-to-business segment company, we engage in sponsorship of events and projects related to Business and Science and Technology that are aligned to our activities (Pipelines and Terminals; Maritime Transportation) and to the Petrobras Socio-environmental Program. We support projects that are focused on the following:


    Inclusive and Sustainable Production


    Initiatives that have the purpose of strengthening production models, rendering of services and establishment of solidarity networks that value the areas as autonomous organization spaces, inclusive and participative, from a standpoint of equilibrium between production, consumption and the environment.

    Biodiversity and Socio-diversity


    Initiatives that have the purpose of promoting activities for the protection and recovery of species and habitats, as well as the traditional associate uses, as a way to preserve and save the biodiversity of the land and aquatic ecosystems, as well as socio-biodiversity products and knowledge.

    Children and Adolescent Rights


    Support for initiatives for the purpose of promoting the guarantee of children and adolescent rights, from the standpoint of full protection and recognition of the child and adolescent as subjects to rights and as protagonists. Includes activities for promotion, protection, and defense of these rights according to the Child and Adolescent Statute, prioritizing the coordination between family, community, public authority and society in general.

    Forests and Climate


    Support for initiatives involving conservation, recovery and sustainable use of the vegetation formation of the biomes, underscoring the value of traditional knowledge associated with them. In addition, includes activities for recovery and/or preservation of forest fragments in urban areas.



    Support for initiatives for the purpose of comprehensive human development, preparation for exercising citizenship, respect for the environment, promotion of human rights and training for access to decent work. In this context, education is defined in an ample and inclusive manner as a strategy for dealing with inequalities, promoting the coordination between the various social agents involved in the formative processes.



    Support for initiatives for the purpose of ensuring universal access and sustainability of water use, a critical factor for protecting life and for human development, both in rural and urban areas. Includes activities linked to water resource management and rational use of water, as it relates to conservation and/or improvement in the availability of water in terms of quality and quantity, including the protection of water sources and riparian forests, in addition to the sustainable use of this resource.



    Support for initiatives directed towards ensuring the democratization of access to sports, defined as a social right and a factor in citizenship formation, contributing to comprehensive human development, improvement in quality of life and wellbeing, strengthening of cultural identity, promotion of social inclusion, and combating all types of discrimination and intolerance.


We have an exclusive process for analyzing and approving sponsorships. The proposals forwarded to the company are assessed annually.


We recommend accessing the link below to learn more about the policies, guidelines and directives of the Petrobras System, shared by Transpetro.


Petrobras Socio-environmental Program


To develop your project, use the routine made available in the link below:


Project Development Routine

To submit your project fill in the data below and attach the filled out form:

Name of Project

Responsible Party






List of Sponsorships

We sponsor cultural and sports initiatives and events relating to the company’s activities directed at different communities in Brazil, governing its actions according to the guidelines of the Petrobras Corporate Programs.




Social Responsibility Policy

Establish the Social Responsibility Policy of the Petrobras System at Petrobras Transporte S.A. – TRANSPETRO.



1. Principles


We provide the energy that enables society to attain its potential, respecting human rights and the environment, forming responsible relationships with the communities at the locations where we operate and overcoming the sustainability challenges related to our business, including the transition to a low carbon energy matrix.

2. Guidelines


Identify, analyze, and deal with the social risks resulting from the interaction between our businesses, society and the environment and promote socio-environmental management in the supply chain.


Integrate the issues related to Social Responsibility in the management of the business and the decision making process of the company.


Respect human rights, seeking to prevent and mitigate negative impacts on our direct activities, supply chains and partnerships, and fighting discrimination in all its forms.


Manage the relationship with the communities located within the coverage area, based on continuous and transparent dialog, contributing to the feasibility of our businesses and to local development.


Invest in socio-environmental programs and projects, contributing to the communities where we operate, and on a wider scale to society, in alignment with the objectives of the business and helping preserve the environment and improve quality of life.


Be prepared to respond to emergency situations and potential conflicts and incidents with the communities within the coverage area.


Communicate with clarity, objectivity and transparency the information regarding or sustainability activities, reaching all stakeholders.


Contribute to sustainable development and to mitigation of climate change, acting in alignment with the domestic and international commitments to which we are signatories.


Promote full understanding and commitment of the workforce with the Social Responsibility Policy, so that our activities are executed in a socially responsible manner.