Transpetro Ombudsman

The Ombudsman Office was created in 2003 by Transpetro Presidency to mark a new phase in the company’s relationship with its stakeholders. It was incorporated to Tranpetro’s organizational structure by decision of the Board of Directors (CA 86 Minutes, Agenda no. 23, Item 1 of 11/25/2005).

For the purpose of ensuring better performance, with a greater degree of independence and autonomy within the company, starting in 2008 the Ombudsman became linked to the Board of Directors (CA 110 Minutes, Agenda 26 Item 2.3 of 11/25/2008). This was an action aligned with the Petrobras System, which considers the Ombudsman Offices as instruments for improving management policies.

The purpose of the Ombudsman is to preserve rights, encourage citizenship, and value human rights, and is also one of the main instruments for promoting the transparency and ethical principles of the Petrobras System.

The Reporting Channel of the Petrobras System is an independent, confidential and impartial tool, available to the internal 

Reports, whether regarding fraud, corruption, money laundering, harassment, discrimination or any other irregularity may be filed on the website, or by phone 0800 601 6925.

The reports may be filed anonymously, since the system used by the channel does not allow for the reporting party to be tracked and identified. The exceptions are cases involving behavioral issues (physical violence and moral or sexual harassment), which due to their nature require identification.

The channel operates 24/7, with service in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Dedicated to obtaining Transpetro data deemed to be of collective or general interest, for the purpose of facilitating access to public information, as determined by the Information Access Law (Law 12.527 of 11/18/2011), regulated by Decree 7.724 of 5/16/2012.

Click here to access the SIC form. 

Relationship channel with internal and external stakeholders. Messages such as questions regarding the company’s business, civil service exams, compliments, suggestions, requests, criticism and complaints are received through this channel.

Click here to access the Contact Transpetro form.