In recent years, the company has grown, adopted new technologies and modernized. It has also increased, as never before, the quality and safety standards in the operation. For Transpetro, modernity has become synonymous with competitiveness and the ability to take higher and higher flights. This effort, the result of careful planning that includes the best interests of the country, was recognized in the form of important awards.

In 2024:

Maritime of Americas 2024 - The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS), awarded Transpetro first place for the Maritime of Americas 2024  in the Technological Transformation category. The winning case was the training of our contingency teams, via simulator,  to react to potential oil leaks in bodies of water. The delivery of the award will be made during the V Hemispheric Seminar for Public Policies, Legislation and Regulation in Guatemala on 7 November. The win represents international recognition of our expertise in Health, Health and Environment (SMS).


Companies that Best Communicate with Employees Award (PEMCC) - The award is an initiative of the Best HR Platforms and Media Businesses and Media Studies Center (Cecom) Platforms. Running with 87 projects selected (of 38 brands in total), the company was a finalist with seven cases in eight categories, and was winner with the project “Transpetro with Open Doors: Virtual Visit Program”. Specialist in internal communication and sector professionals assessed the initiative, considering originality, impact of the projects, planning and execution.  All cases selected for the final were bestowed with certificates and received the PEMCC Seal for its performance in communication with its employees. The event was held on 23 April in São Paulo, at the Theater of the Company-School Integration Center (CIEE).


Ports + Brazil Award - We were at a highlight at the 5th Edition of the Ports+Brasil Award upon receiving a double award from the results of our operations. Our terminals in  São Francisco do Sul (Tefran), in Santa Catarina, and Angra dos Reis (Tebig), in Rio de Janeiro, we included in the “Liquid Bulk Handling Growth”, in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. This is the fourth consecutive time that the company has been awarded, consolidating its reference status in the sector. Promoted by the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPOR), the ceremony was held on Wednesday (7/8) in Brasília.


Mega Abraman 2024 Seal - Transpetro had the excellency of its Asset Management System (SdGA) recognized at the  39th  Edition of the Brazilian Congress of Asset Management and Maintenance of the Asset Management Brazilian Association (Abraman). The company was awarded the Mega Abraman 2024 Seal, the highest honor granted by the institution, the first obtained by a company in Brazil. The event was held in the Salvador Convention Center in the capital of Bahia.

In 2023:

1st Place in the Employer Branding Brazil Award - Transpetro was the big winner of the Employer Branding Brazil Award in the Diversity & Inclusion Category. The event was held on March 13th at Sampa Sky in São Paulo. Over 200 brands were entered, competing in six categories: best recruiting campaign, best diversity & inclusion campaign, best candidate experience, best employee experience, best EVP (Employee Value Proposition) and best career site. In the category in which we won, we competed with finalists Natura, Bayer and Descomplica. The Employer Branding Brazil Award highlights brands with the best corporate practices in the country.

In 2022:

Ser Humano 2022 Award - Transpetro participated as a finalist in the 2022 Ser Humano Award from the Brazilian Human Resource Association (ABRH-RJ) in the Organizational Cases category. In its 42nd edition, the initiative recognizes organizations and students within the State of Rio de Janeiro who have made differentiated and innovative contributions to personnel management in the field of human and business knowledge and development. Award winners were announced on November 23rd. at a ceremony held at the Rio de Janeiro Jockey Club.

Portos + Brasil Award – On June 23rd we received the third place award in the Liquid Bulk Handling Growth category for performance of the Barra do Riacho (ES) Waterway Terminal, with 179.7% growth from 2020 to 2021. The award is offered by the Brazilian Association of Port Terminals (ABTP).

In 2021:

Estadão Empresas Mais (Outstanding Companies) 2021 - The O Estado de São Paulo newspaper listed the 100 companies in Brazil that stood out according to the Estadão Impact Coefficient (CIE). Developed in partnership with the Administration Institute Foundation (FIA) and the risk classification agency Austin Rating, the index is the result of the crossing of information regarding size and financial performance of each company in its respective sector. Thus the companies are ranked according to the respective CIE index. Transpetro was classified in third place in the Transportation and Logistics category. The awards were presented on December 10th in the Estadão newspaper social media : Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter, as well as mentioned on the Estadão website.

Antaq Award 2021 – On 10/14 the National Waterway Transport Agency held the Antaq Award ceremony for the winners. The award is in its fourth edition and has the purpose of recognizing initiatives that stand out for their contribution to providing waterway transport improvements to society, fostering research and technical-scientific production and disseminating good operational and management practices in the sector.

This year 39 awards were distributed in four categories: Environmental Performance, Regulatory Compliance, Innovative Initiatives and Technical-Scientific Article.

Transpetro achieved third place in the “Coastal and Long-Haul Maritime Navigation” modality in the “Regulatory Compliance” category.

Quality Assessment Certificate – We received the Quality Assessment Certificate, which recognizes our compliance with international internal audit standards, attesting to the use of best practices and compatibility with the highest standards adopted worldwide. The certification was granted by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), and organization that assesses the quality of the departments responsible for the matter in public and private sector organizations.  

The certification was delivered on 09/30 at Transpetro’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. In the presence of the Internal Audit  Executive Manager  Renato Trisciuzzi, the Planning, Integration and Control Manager of Audin, Erick Alves received the certificate from the hands of the Director-Secretary IIA Brasil, Juliano Berton. With this achievement our company is now part of the select group of international companies displaying this seal. 

In 2020

Transportation Sector Biggest and Best of 2020 - The 33rd edition of the Transportation Sector Biggest and Best award paid tribute to the companies that excelled in the various transportation segments for passengers, freight and logistics.  The event, promoted by Transporte Moderno magazine, published by OTM Editora, presented the highlights of the sector, based on an analysis of the 2019 financial statements. The awards ceremony was held at the Transamérica Hotel in São Paulo, with 300 invitees, following all the sanitation protocols required by the current situation. Operational revenues for ocean and waterway transportation were R$ 7.68 billion for the fiscal 2019 fiscal year.

Transpetro Academy SMH Simulator awarded international certification - With 100% Brazilian technology and proprietary patent, our Simulator Center is the only one in Latin America with “A” classification from the Norwegian classification society  DNV-GL. Brazil became the first country in South America to enter the select group of countries to have navigation simulators approved by an internationally recognized classification society.  After two days of  a meticulous final verification process Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL), Norwegian classification society for certification of vessels and oil rigs, and accredited by the Brazilian maritime authority, granted A certification to our Maritime and Waterways Simulator (SMH). The SMH classification represents an important milestone for Transpetro. In addition to the international recognition for the excellence of the mathematical model developed with 100% Brazilian technology and proprietary patent, it also means Transpetro has technological independency in a segment that promises exponential growth, with the incorporation of new technologies such as digital twin, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

In 2019:

 Antaq Award 2019 – Two  Transpetro products were recognized by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) at the annual awards promoted by institution. In the 2019 edition of the Antaq Award, the Transpetro Simulator Center was awarded 2nd place in the innovative initiative category, and the São Sebastião Terminal (Tebar/SP) placed  4th in the Environmental Performance category. The trophy award ceremony was held on December 11th at the agency’s headquarters in Brasília.

Top grade (level 1) on the IG-Sest governance indicator- For the second consecutive time we have achieved the maximum grade (level 1) on the IG-Sest governance indicator, created by the Public Sector Company Coordination and Governance Department, part of the Ministry of the Economy structure. The ceremony relative to the 4th assessment cycle was held on August 9th at the Esplanade of Ministry buildings in  Brasília.  IG-Sest is a continuous follow-up instrument for the purpose of assessing compliance with the requirements of Law no. 13.303/2016, known as the Public Sector Company Law. The initiative seeks to implement the best market practices and an increasing level of excellence in corporate governance at public sector companies. The Sest objective is for these companies to develop actions that go beyond mere compliance with legal requirements.

IT Executive Award – 2nd  place in the IT Executive Award for 2019 in the Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas, Plastics, Rubber, Paper and Cellulose category. Promoted by IT Mídia, the award is one of the most important in the information technology market for CIOs (Chief Information Officers) and IT industry executives. In total there were 341 entries, of which 233 CIOs (divided into 20 categories) and 108 sector employees (five categories). The awards ceremony was held on March 20th in São Paulo (SP).

In 2018:

Top grade (level 1) on the IG-Sest governance indicator – We received the certification for governance level 1 by IG-Sest, which attests to compliance with the requirements established by the Responsibility Law for Public Sector Companies (Law no. 13.303). The certificate showcases the excellence of our governance, the quality of our corporate management and our transparency in the disclosure of relevant information to the stakeholders.

Child Friendly Company – In 2018 the Abrinq Foundation recognized Transpetro for the 8th time as a Child Friendly Company, confirming the actions developed by the company in 2017 to benefit children and adolescents.  Among the projects that contributed to this recognition are Botos da Barra and Tenda Itinerante, in addition to volunteer activities such as the Children, Book, Warm Clothing and Xmas campaigns.  Reinforcing the themes geared to the Guarantee of Protection for Children and Adolescents (GDCA), we also conducted Carnival campaigns in the communities (divulging the Dial 100 and Dial 180 channels), Pink October and Blue November, and combating violence against women and fighting against the abuse and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.

Transportation Sector Biggest and Best -  Transpetro was the winning company in the Best Maritime and Waterway Transportation Company in the 31st edition of the Transportation Sector Biggest and Best of 2018. The financial statements of 1,200 companies were analyzed for the award, which in total represents net operational revenues of R$ 2.42 trillion.

In 2017:

Best and Biggest Award - Transpetro ranked fourth in the ranking of the best in transportation according to Exame Magazine's Best and Biggest Yearbook 2017. The award ranks the most outstanding organizations in 20 sectors of the economy in 2016. By observing the criteria of this analysis, Transpetro is the second in Market Leadership and the fourth in Wealth created by Employee. In the Current Liquidity and Rentability indicators, the company ranked fifth and sixth, respectively.

Child Friendly Company - Transpetro received, for the seventh consecutive year, the Abrinq Foundation Seal as "Child Friendly Company". The award confirms the importance of the actions developed by the company in 2016 in favor of childhood and adolescence. Among the outstanding initiatives are the Botos da Barra, Tenda Itinerante and Voluntariado projects.

Biggest and Best of Transportation - Transpetro received for the 12th time the Biggest and Best of Transportation award, which was considered the best company in the Maritime and River Transportation segment. In the 30th edition of the award granted by OTM Editora, the best companies in 37 segments of the transportation and logistics areas were elected. The evaluation took into account the adaptability and competitiveness strategies facing the national scenario. A team of experts evaluated the financial statements of 1,181 companies.

In 2016:

Best and Biggest Award - Promoted by Exame magazine, who elected to award Transpetro as the third largest company in the transportation segment in 2015 in the ranking by net sales. The company also stood out as the fourth best in its area in the period and the first among state-owned companies. It also ranked second in its segment for market leadership and third for current liquidity. To define the results, the balance sheets of 3,000 corporations and 80,000 financial indicators were analyzed.

Child Friendly Company - The Abrinq Foundation recognized Transpetro for the sixth consecutive year as a “Child Friendly Company”. With the objective of promoting social actions in favor of the defense of the rights of children and adolescents, some initiatives of the company were highlighted. Volunteer campaigns such as the "Solidarity Christmas Action", projects such as the "Petrobras Cinema in Motion", which promoted 154 free sessions in public schools in all regions of the country, the "Children's Program" that carried out educational extracurricular activities , social and cultural activities in low-income communities and the “Transpetro at School”, with shows in the cities of São Sebastião (São Paulo - SP) and Paranaguá (Paraná - PR), helped the company to consolidate the work of childhood development.

In 2015:

Biggest and Best in Transportation - Transpetro received, for the 11th time, the Biggest and Best in the Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport sector, granted by Transporte Moderno magazine. In the ranking promoted by the publication, the company reached the maximum grade in four of the nine evaluated criteria: net operating revenue, net equity, net income and current liquidity. In total, 1,384 companies from 41 transport-related segments were evaluated.

Pro-Gender and Race Equity Label - The Federal Government's Special Secretariat for Women's Policies granted Transpetro for the 3rd consecutive time the Pro-Gender and Race Equity Program Label. The certification recognizes public and private companies that develop practices for effectively promoting equal rights for members of their workforce. Among the numerous actions taken by the company, the creation of the Booklet to Combat Moral and Sexual Harassment, in English and Spanish, distributed to foreign crew members of ships that arrive at the company's terminals.

Estadão Empresas Mais Award - Transpetro won second place in the transport and logistics category of the first edition of the Estadão Empresas Mais ranking, from the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo. The award highlights the performance of the three best companies in Brazil in 22 categories. In order to choose the first place companies it is taken into account the size and operating results in the last four years.

Child Friendly Company - Transpetro received, for the fifth consecutive year, the Abrinq Foundation Label as “Child Friendly Company”. The award recognizes organizations that carry out social actions to promote and defend the rights of children and adolescents. Projects such as the annual campaign against violence against children and adolescents; Cine BR, which has specific sessions for children and youth; the Children's Program in Angra dos Reis (RJ); Green Belt project, in São Francisco do Sul (SC); the Theater in School, in São Sebastião (SP); and the Digital Inclusion Project, developed at the public schools of Ilha dos Búzios (Ilhabela / São Paulo - SP) and Norte Capixaba (São Mateus / Espírito Santo - ES), contributed to Transpetro maintaining the label.

In 2014:

Empresa Cidadã Certificate - The Rio de Janeiro Regional Accounting Council (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro - CRC-RJ) has granted Transpetro the certificate for Empresa Cidadã. In addition to contributions to society and the environment, Transpetro's balance sheet evaluates investments such as food, private pension, health, education, culture, training and professional development of its workforce. Empresa Cidadã certificate was created with the objective of valuing and encouraging the participation of accounting professionals in the publication of social and environmental actions of Brazilian companies.

Best and Biggest Transport - Awarded by Transporte Moderno magazine, the award elected Transpetro as the Largest Maritime and River Transport Operator, in the net operating revenue category. The Biggest and Best Transportation ranking 2014 evaluated the balance sheets of 1048 companies from 22 different transportation categories. Nine requirements define the classification of companies: net operating income, net worth, net income, current liquidity, general indebtedness, return on revenue, return on equity, capital productivity and revenue growth.

ADVB / SC Award - Transpetro was recognized in the Environmental Preservation category by the Green Belt Project of the São Francisco do Sul Terminal (Santa Catarina - SC). The award was presented by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil -ADVB) of Santa Catarina.

The Best of Dinheiro 2014 - Awarded by Istoé Dinheiro magazine, the award elected Transpetro as the best company in the country's transportation sector. The ranking evaluates organizations in terms of financial, social responsibility, sustainability and environment, innovation and quality and corporate governance, in a broad analysis of the performance of companies and the economy of Brazil.

Child Friendly Company - In 2014, the Abrinq Foundation once again recognized Transpetro as a Child Friendly Company, confirming the importance of the actions taken by the Company in favor of children and adolescents. The Program mobilizes and recognizes organizations that carry out social actions to promote and defend the rights of people in these age groups.

Statement of Corporate Commitment to Addressing Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents - Demonstrating its commitment to society and the sustainable development of the communities in which it operates, Transpetro has adhered to the Statement of Corporate Commitment to Addressing Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents. Thus, the Company undertakes to expand the corporate social responsibility agenda, through actions to sensitize its employees and production chains in the disclosure of complaint channels, such as dial 100, and other issues related to the rights of children and adolescents. In addition, Transpetro undertakes to maintain contractual clauses that reject any form of sexual exploitation, in addition to ensuring the follow-up of these commitments.

ADVB / PE Top Marketing Award - The award-winning project “Re-refinar para preservar”, supported by Transpetro, is developed with fishermen from São Sebastião. It seeks to avoid the risk of accidental disposal of burnt oil at sea by helping to maintain the quality of water and fish. From the industrial process of refining again, the leftover is transformed into base oil and, again, into raw material, eliminating risks to the environment and generating income. The award, granted by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil - ADVB-PE), includes projects of Corporate Social Responsibility and actions of respect for the environment, in the regional and national scenario, developed for the internal public or for the community.

In 2013:

Empresa Cidadã Certificate - The Rio de Janeiro Regional Accounting Council (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro - CRC-RJ) awarded Transpetro the Citizen Company Certificate for the fourth consecutive year. The award aims to encourage the improvement of the quality of accounting and environmental information published in the annual reports. In total, 61 companies were certified, observing criteria such as audits, transparency and disclosure of investments made in the social and environmental sphere.

Best of Dinheiro Magazine - Transpetro was elected, for the third consecutive year, the best transportation company in the country by Istoé Dinheiro magazine. The title reinforces the importance of the Company's contribution in a fundamental area for Brazil's growth. The special edition The Best of Dinheiro brings a ranking of the companies that were highlighted in financial, social, environmental, innovation, human resources and corporate governance management.

Best and Biggest in Transportation - The Company was awarded the largest and best maritime and river transportation operator. The two major awards granted to Transpetro were the largest transport operator in net operating revenue and the best transport operator in the Maritime and River Transportation category. The award is presented by Transporte Moderno magazine, responsible for the ranking Largest in Transport and Best in Transport.

Naval Quality and Sustainability Award (Prêmio Naval de Qualidade e Sustentabilidade -PNQS) - Transpetro was honored at the third edition of this award for its contribution to the country's naval industry. The award is an initiative of the ARO Cultural Foundation in association with the National Construction and Naval and Offshore Repair Industry Union.

In 2012:

Empresa Cidadã Certificate - The Rio de Janeiro Regional Accounting Council (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro - CRC-RJ) has granted Transpetro the Empresa Cidadã Certificate. In addition to contributions to society and the environment, Transpetro's balance sheet evaluates investments such as food, private pension, health, education, culture, training and professional development of its workforce. The Empresa Cidadã Certificate was created in 2003 with the objective of valuing and encouraging the participation of accounting professionals in the publication of socio-environmental actions of Brazilian companies.

Best of Dinheiro Magazine - Transpetro was elected, for the second year in a row, the best transportation company in the country by Istoé Dinheiro magazine.

Best of Brazil 2012 - In June, Transpetro took first place in the Transport and Logistics Services category of the Best of Brazil 2012 award. Organized by Empresa Jornalística Econômico SA (EJESA), the award gave rise to a yearbook that gathers information about of the companies that stood out last year in 21 distinct categories.

Fator Brasil Premium Trophy - Offered for the first time in celebration of Fator Magazine's 10th anniversary, the trophy aimed to honor 45 companies and entities that contributed to the sustainable development of Brazil.

In 2011:

Best and Biggest Transport - Awarded by Transporte Moderno magazine, the award elected Transpetro as the largest transport operator in net operating revenue and best transport operator in the Maritime and River Transportation category. The Biggest and Best Transportation ranking 2011 evaluated the balance sheets of 1048 companies from 22 different transportation categories.

Empresa Cidadã Certificate - The Rio de Janeiro Regional Accounting Council (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro -CRC-RJ) has granted Transpetro the Empresa Cidadã Certificate. In addition to contributions to society and the environment, Transpetro's balance sheet evaluates investments such as food, private pension, health, education, culture, training and professional development of its workforce.

Best of Dinheiro 2010 - Awarded by Istoé Dinheiro Magazine, the award elected Transpetro as the best in the country's transportation sector, among the 500 largest Brazilian companies. Best of Dinheiro is pointed as the most recognized and complete survey on the management practices of Brazilian companies.

ADVB Top Social Award - With the Transpetro Apprentice Program (Programa Aprendiz Transpetro - PAT), the Company received recognition from the Brazilian Sales and Marketing Managers Association. PAT is a work-based education program that caters for young residents of underserved communities neighboring the company's facilities. The objective is to contribute to reducing the number of young people who leave school to work, due to the need to supplement their family income.

Campos Basin Social Responsibility Award - With the Forming Citizens project, carried out in partnership with Sesi-Macaé, Transpetro won the 2nd place in the Large Companies category. Organized by the Socioambiental Magazine, the award aims to recognize innovative initiatives by companies, people and institutions that carry out work focused on sustainability and human development. Forming Citizens offers Cabiúnas Terminal (Terminal de Cabiúnas - Tecab) workers, who did not have access to formal education, the opportunity to go back to school.

In 2010:

Marketing Best Sustainability Award - Intends to stimulate, recognize and disseminate examples of sustainable business actions. It is organized by Editora Reference, responsible for the publications Marketing Magazine, Revista Propaganda and Jornal Propmark. In the 2010 edition, it awarded two Transpetro projects: Escola Cieds - Barueri em Foco, which develops training programs in the management of economic enterprises with socially vulnerable young people and Levando a Vida na Flauta, which promotes the social inclusion of children and young people at social risk in Macaé (Rio de Janeiro - RJ), through the creation of a flutes orchestra.

ADVB RJ Top Marketing Award 2010 - Transpetro received from the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil no Rio de Janeiro - ADBV-RJ) the Top Marketing Award for the case "First commander of the Brazilian Merchant Navy´s inauguration", which encompassed all communication actions made for internal and external disclosure of the appointment of Hildelene Lobato Bahia.

Largest & Best Transport and Logistics Award - The Company was once again voted the best sea and river transport operator by the Transporte Moderno and Technibus magazines of OTM Editora. The choice of winners is made through accounting valuation, when a ranking of the top ten companies in net operating revenue is established.

In 2009:

Visão da Agroindústria Brasil Award - For the second time in a row, Transpetro is recognized as a Distinguished Company in Alcohol Transportation. The award, held by the Visão Group through the magazine Visão da Agroindústria, is a recognition and a tribute to agribusiness companies and personalities, especially in the last year throughout the country.

 Biggest and Best in Transportation and Logistics - A public recognition as the best company in the Maritime and Fluvial modality. In its 22nd edition, the award established by Transporte Moderno, Technibus and Global magazines was based on the financial statements as of December 31, 2008 of 752 of the most representative companies in the transportation sector.

Empresa Cidadã - Transpetro is part of the team of 15 companies awarded in 2009 by the Santa Catarina branch of the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  - ADVB). The Company stood out in the Environmental Preservation category, with the case “Pedagogical practices of environmental education combined with conservation and preservation of the environment through the project “Trilha Ecológica Sensitiva: the Atlantic Forest as you have never seen”.

Top Socioenvironmental ADVB 2009 - Due to the importance of its actions and the results achieved, two projects supported by Transpetro - Formação de Leitores Program and the Não Solte Balões campaign - were awarded by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  - ADVB) of Minas Gerais.

Transparency Highlight - Transpetro was elected Transparency Highlight at the third edition of the 100 Best Companies in Human and Organizational Development Index (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Humano e Organizacional - IDHO) award. Promoted by Gestão & RH Magazine, the industrial, commercial and service organizations are evaluated on Human Capital, Corporate Governance, Sustainability, Transparency and Corporate Citizenship.

Top Marketing - Transpetro received from the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  - ADVB-RJ) the Top Marketing Award for four projects developed with its employees: Festa Junina, Practice Safety, New Employee Environment Program and Transpetro Choir . Delivered in January, the award aims to value professionals and organizations that stand out in innovation and efficiency.

Child Friendly Company - Created in 1995, the program mobilizes companies for social action to benefit children and adolescents in Brazil. It encourages private social investment in actions for children and adolescents and supports companies in the qualification of their actions, so that they are in line with the Child and Adolescent Statute.

In 2008:

Biggest and Best - A traditional benchmark for the performance of Brazilian companies, Abril Group's Exame Magazine yearbook has published a publication in which the largest organizations in the country are analyzed in different sectors. Among the 50 largest state-owned companies, for example, Transpetro ranked 13th for its financial performance in 2007, as well as 30th in Services. In the indicators for the State of Rio de Janeiro, Transpetro is the second in Property Investment. And obtained fourth place in Current Liquidity among the ten largest in the state.

Lobo do Mar Trophy - Transpetro received the trophy as a featured company in the Naval Merit category. The award was presented during the Fórum de Desenvolvimento Navegar 2008 - Multimodalismo: O Grande Desafio, held in August, in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul - RS).

Sustainable Attitude - Promoted by the Rio de Janeiro State Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Caerj), Transpetro received the Sustainable Attitude Trophy for its Meros do Brasil projects, developed in São Francisco do Sul (Santa Catarina - SC) and Forming Citizens Program - Education for Youth and Adults, held at Cabiúnas Terminal (Rio de Janeiro - RJ). The Company also won a news article award with the report Horta Escola Brota no Sertão Nordestino, published in the Transpetro Magazine of January / February 2008, written by journalist Dil Mota.

Empresa Cidadã Certificate - The Rio de Janeiro Regional Accounting Council (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro - CRC-RJ) has granted Transpetro the Empresa Cidadã Certificate. The companies and accountants responsible for the Social Balance Sheet are certified and, in all the information presented, fulfill the conditions defined by the regulation established by the CRC-RJ.

Biggest and Best in Transport and Logistics - The award won by Transpetro was the Best Company in the Maritime and River Sector, in the category Best Transport Operators, delivered in São Paulo in November. The balance sheets of 850 companies in the transportation segment were taken into account.

Visão da Agroindústria Brasil Award - The award, presented in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo - SP) in November, was awarded to the highlights of the industrial sector in the transportation of alcohol. Transpetro's new ethanol projects reaffirm the Company's commitment to operating with excellence in energy transportation logistics.

Top Social - Awarded by the Association of Sales and Marketing Managers of Brazil (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  - ADVB), in Rio de Janeiro. Transpetro was the winner with two projects: Horta Escolar, created for students from municipal schools in the interior of Paraíba, and Transpetro Conhecer, of Social and Environmental Responsibility developed in Transpetro's pipelines and terminals. Its objective is to insert environment, health and safety issues related to the pipeline zone in the public school curriculum, emphasizing its interface with daily life.

In 2007:

Most Admired Company in Brazil in the Logistics Category - Awarded by Carta Capital Magazine, it is the result of a survey conducted by the TNS Interscience  with 1,276 executives, who chose the most admired companies in the market. Ethics, social responsibility and financial soundness were some of the key factors that secured Transpetro first place.

Best Company in the Transportation and Logistics Sector of the Country - Award given by the Yearbook 1000 of the Valor Econômico newspaper, based on technical performance criteria such as sustainable growth, net revenue and profitability.

 Top Social - Awarded by the Brazilian Association of Sales and Marketing Managers (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  - ADVB) to the Cadê Você project, a partnership of Transpetro volunteering with the São Martinho Association (Rio de Janeiro - RJ) - an institution that serves at-risk children and adolescents.

Social Intelligence - Recognition to companies that practice social responsibility in the country, delivered in Recife (Pernambuco - PE). Transpetro was highlighted in the Citizenship category, with the Ecological Brigade Mirim Project, developed by the Angra dos Reis Waterway Terminal (Rio de Janeiro - RJ).

In 2006:

International Environmental & Social Responsibility and Global Pipeline Award - Awards from the International Pipeline Conference & Exhibition in Canada for the Agricultura Familiar em Faixas de Dutos project and the Pipeline Integrity Program.

Top Social - Awarded by the Brazilian Association of Sales and Marketing Managers (Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas e Marketing do Brasil  -ADVB-RJ), for Transpetro's contribution to the country's development and for valuing the exercise of citizenship, caring for the environment. The projects Meros do Brasil, Hortas Comunitárias e o Programa de Intercâmbio Comunitário (PIC) were highlighted.

Best Maritime and River Transportation Company - Award granted by the magazine Maiores & Melhores do Transporte & Logística 2006, among the 607 most representative companies in the sector, in São Paulo (SP).

In 2005:

Best Company in the Transportation and Logistics Sector - Award granted by the Valor Econômico Journal Yearbook 1000, based on technical performance criteria such as sustainable growth, activity margin, net revenue, profitability and current liquidity.