
Meet our new hiring rules

Law 13.303 / 16 (State-Owned Companies Law) brings new points and modifications in relation to the rules currently practiced by Transpetro and determines that all contracts must be carried out, as a rule, by public bidding. This means that any company interested and able to comply with the notice can participate in a bidding process. This novelty should increase the competitiveness of the bids with gains for all participants.
The new ways of contracting, the steps to be taken in the bids, the contractual management and the auxiliary procedures are detailed in the Petrobras Bidding and Contracts Regulation (Regulamento de Licitações e Contratos da Petrobras - RLCP), fully adopted by Transpetro, replacing the Petrobras Manual for Contracting (Manual da Petrobras para Contratação - MPC).
Get to know the RLCP implementation schedule.
Instructions to suppliers
We provide here the links to Law 13.303 / 16 and to the Petrobras hotsite, where the regulation (RLPC) and other clarifications are available. We hope that, with this material in hand, the supplier will have all the inputs to enter with us in this new phase that aims to reinforce principles such as impersonality, morality and transparency, values that are already considered milestones of the Transpetro management.
The new bidding procedure will not be restricted to registered companies, however, those with updated registration may be enabled more quickly if they present the most advantageous proposal. Thus, we suggest that suppliers check the registration situation at Petrobras.