
Project 168 in Color delivers art and safety to communities

Using art to promote awareness in the residents of neighboring communities about the risk of fuel theft attempts of the pipelines. This is the main objective of the Project 168 in Color, which began its second edition in April. The initiative mobilizes artists from localities surrounding the Transpetro installations in wall painting activities. The graffiti panels support the divulging of the company’s emergency phone number (168) and portrays themes related to personal safety.

The Duas Praias and João Teles de Menezes communities in Ilha do Governador in Rio de Janeiro were the first to receive this 168 in Color edition. By year end, another 20 walls in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro will be included in the project. A survey of the localities and artists is underway.

The initiative was conceived last year for the 168 Day, celebrated on August 16th. At the time 18 walls were painted with graffiti in 17 localities - 13 in the State of São Paulo and four in Rio de Janeiro. Through the project it was possible to revitalize urban spaces and reinforce dialog channels about pipeline safety. The success of the project among residents determined the undertaking of another edition.

“I was very happy to be invited to do this work. I studied the theme and decided to create characters that interact with the pipeline. Since it is a location where lots of young people transit, near a school, I know my work will impact and capture their attention, making them aware of the precautions to be taken on the pipeline easement  strips”, stated graffiti artist Lucca Gomes, 22 year resident of Ilha do Governador and who painted three walls in the region.