
Transpetro in synergy with a more sustainable world

The history built over the last 25 years consolidates Transpetro as the largest multimodal logistic company for oil and derivatives in Latin America. On June 12th the company celebrated a quarter century focused on the future and its role in society. The anniversary event schedule was marked by respect for people, whether by socially responsible activities in the community in which it operates or whether by recognition of our greatest asset, our workforce.  

Responsible for 90% of all oil exports by Petrobras, the Angra dos Reis Waterway Terminal in Rio de Janeiro was the location chosen for the ceremony that launched the celebrations. Attended by the President of Petrobras, Jean Paul Prates, the President of  Transpetro, Sérgio Bacci, among other guests and authorities, the ceremony was transmitted online to the ships, terminals, stations and bases, connecting over 14 thousand contributors on land and sea.
In his speech, Sérgio Bacci reaffirmed the investments in expanding the vessel fleet and announced a new phase of growth for Transpetro. “The future Transpetro will continue to be linked to Brazil’s development. We will transport energy from whatever source it is to wherever it is needed by Brazilians. Towards this end we will resume strong investments in the next few years. We will maintain our main goal: to go wherever Brazil needs us”, he emphasized.

Bacci further restated the commitment of the company’s new management with diversity, especially in leadership positions, and said Transpetro over the next 25 will be connected to a more sustainable world, recognized for activities with the communities and a source of price to its workforce.
On land and sea, contributors celebrate anniversary
Our workforce celebrated in all corners of the country, where we operate 49 terminals, 36 ships and almost 8.5 thousand kms of pipelines.

At the Suape Terminal (PE) alone, approximately 1200 employees participated in the celebration at the external yard of the unit. At the Bahia terminals, the managers highlighted the role the company plays in the oil and derivatives logistics chain.
On Aframax Garrincha, which was cruising the waters of the Indian Ocean, the atmosphere was festive, with many people describing their experiences and beating their chests as a sign of pride for belonging to the company. On the other hand Suezmax Zumbi dos Palmares celebrated the anniversary 11 hours before, since it was in China.
In addition to the celebration events, the anniversary scheduled included a week of action geared to the workforce and the communities.

Thinking the present and the future

Right after the celebrations, June 13-14 was dedicated to debate on the strategic themes for the company, the market and society, especially organizational culture, diversity, safety and innovation.
To reach the employees in 17 states, the Federal District and aboard 36 ships, online events were conducted with market specialists.

Empowering looks and workforce trajectory
The audiovisual language and photography captured the look and sense of belonging of the workforce in the building of Transpetro as a logistics giant.

The stories of growth and overcoming challenges by the company employees began to be portrayed in the web series "25 Inspiring Stories", especially created for the 25-year celebrations. The videos of the series will be launched weekly, on Wednesdays, at the site transpetro.com.br and on LinkedIn.

On June 15th the photographic exhibition “Transpetro Under Different Looks” was launched at the company headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. The exhibition is the result of the Photography Cultural Contest, with more than 300 registrations in three categories – Operational Excellence, My History at Transpetro and Point of View  –, with participation by workers from the different regions of the country.

Click here to see the winning photos.

Logistical competence and territorial greatness

On June 16th President Sérgio Bacci inaugurated the “We are Transpetro on all Four Corners Circuit”. The activity has the purpose of displaying Transpetro’s logistics competence, gathering employees in the creation of a artisanal piece to celebrate the company’s quarter century mark. According to Bacci, the final result will illustrate the strength of diversity of the workforce and the capillarity of the operations. “One the characteristics of the Transpetro culture is creativity and connection between people”, he mentioned. The collaborative work on fabric will make its way through operational units and ships until arriving in December at the company headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, where it will be transformed into a commemorative panel.

Community vegetable garden for easement strip residents
The week of celebrations was concluded on Saturday, June 17th, with inauguration of a community vegetable garden in partnership with the Municipality of Diadema (SP) within the scope of the Urban Agriculture Program.

The ceremony for delivery of the vegetable garden to the community was attended by Transpetro President Sérgio Bacci, accompanied by the Minister for Agrarian Development and Family Farming Paulo Teixeira and Mayor José de Filippi Júnior, among other authorities. Bacci believes all companies should invest in social responsibility, especially those in which the Federal Government is the major shareholder.
“The state owned companies are essential to the country’s progress. They have the instruments to induce sustainable and solidary economic growth, mitigating the effects of social inequality that affects us greatly. This vegetable garden, for example, will help people put quality food on the table and support revenue for the urban farmers enrolled, and may be used in school educational activities among other benefits resulting from the joining of efforts between Transpetro, the municipality and Federal Government”, he pondered.

The community vegetable gardens are an incentive to healthy consumption and a source of supplemental income for the residents of areas surrounding the company’s easement strips. For this reason Transpetro will invest approximately half a million Reais in projects of this type in the city.