
Transpetro launches contracts under the rules of the State-Owned Companies Law

Transpetro publishes the first five public tenders governed by Law 13.303 / 16 (State-Owned Companies Law). The bids are for technical services for the rehabilitation of internal lines between manifold and tanks, port operator logistical services, cleaning and conservation services for areas, as well as the acquisition of materials. Any company interested and in conditions to comply with the notice can took part in the bidding process. The opening and closing dates for proposals, the notice and other information are available in the Federal Official Gazette and the Petronect Portal (www.petronect.com.br).
The State-Owned Companies Law establishes the implementation of a series of new routines in tenders and contracts with mixed-capital companies such as Transpetro. As of July 1, 2018, all tenders will be held in accordance with the new law. At Transpetro, the change started on March 28 this year in three strategic areas and will be extended to other areas until the end of June.