
Transpetro simulates leakage in São Paulo after increased number of fuel thefts

Transpetro carried out, this Tuesday morning (06/13), a training session with residents of the Jardim Esmeralda neighborhood (Butantã region), in São Paulo (SP), during a gasoline leak simulation caused by an attempted theft of fuel in pipeline. The objective is to warn about the risks of this crime, including fire and explosion. About 200 people took part in the activity that also aims to prepare residents for emergency situations.
In the first five months of 2017, the company registered 72 clandestine diversions in the pipelines it operates throughout the country. In the state of São Paulo, there were 27 occurrences, 14 of which resulted in some type of leak. The pipelines operated by the company pass through 78 counties in the state of São Paulo. Araras is the city that most accumulates cases of clandestine diversions between January and May this year, with five occurrences. Next are the counties of Artur Nogueira, Caçapava, Engenheiro Coelho, Orlândia, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro and São Paulo, each with two occurrences.
The exercise showed a gasoline leak in a pipeline caused by the action of three bandits. One of them was injured and was rescued by the Fire Department and removed by Samu, the emergency mobile care service. The leak was contained by Transpetro in conjunction with the environmental agencies. Nelson Barboza, General Manager of Security and Contingency at the company, believes that the simulation is an excellent step to involve the community and public agencies for effective action against unwanted interventions. "It is an important moment to disclose our 168 phone number to all those who live close to our pipeline zones."
Jorge Luiz Gouveia, manager of the emergency care sector at Cetesb, believes that, in addition to the participation of public agencies, the presence of the community and the press was very important. "So they have a real dimension of a leak in case of fuel theft and the actions of technicians to combat the problem".
Retired Edith de Oliveira has lived near the pipeline for 48 years. She reveals that she already knew the number 168 and knew how to start the company. “With the simulation, I had an even better knowledge, which I want to pass on to my grandchildren so that they can also take care of our piece. The tracks need to be well monitored by all of us”.
All the action was carried out in partnership with the following bodies: São Paulo State Environmental Company (Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo - Cetesb), Civil Defense, Fire Department, Military Police, Metropolitan Civil Guard, Traffic Engineering Company (Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego - CET), Mobile Customer Service Emergency (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência - SAMU) and AES Eletropaulo.