
Transpetro takes street theater and circus to communities with the project “De Olho no Duto"

Transpetro signed an agreement with the Cultural Institute Escola Livre de Palhaços (Eslipa) to develop the “De Olho no Duto” project, which aims to bring arts and culture to communities neighboring the pipelines operated by the company in the Southeast Region. In the next two years, about 600 free activities such as workshops, processions, shows and talking experiences will be held for 101 communities. The project will benefit approximately 150 thousand people, including children and adults.
Six street theater and circus companies perform in “De Olho no Duto”: Grupo Off-Sina and Cia. Chirulico (Rio de Janeiro - RJ), Circo do Asfalto and Pequeno Circo (São Paulo - SP), Pano de Roda Association (Minas Gerais - MG) and Circo Teatro Capixaba (Espírito Santo - ES). Since January the 6th, when the artists of these groups took to the streets, the project has benefited 22 communities in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
Always carried out in public spaces, “De Olho no Duto” has basic premises for social transformation, citizen formation, community engagement and the development of a sense of local belonging. Transpetro's communication channels, actions and preventive information are also disclosed during the activities.
In Rio de Janeiro, the project will be present by the end of 2018 in 39 counties, including Itaguaí, Angra dos Reis, Mangaratiba, Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias, Macaé, Quissamã, Magé, Paracambi, Miguel Pereira, Guapimirim, Rio das Ostras, Carapebus and Campos.
In São Paulo, in addition to some neighborhoods located in the capital itself, the cities included in the program are Guarulhos, Suzano, Cubatão, Santos, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, Osasco, São Vicente and Itaquaquecetuba, among others.