
We leased RLAM assets after unprecedented negotiations with Acelen


We began operating as lessees of the logistic assets that serve the Mataripe Refinery (former Landulpho Alves Refinery – RLAM) on December 1st. Concluded after two years of negotiations with Acelen, a company of the Arab group Mubadala Capital, the lease ensures us possession of the assets in the same model adopted with Petrobras. However it was the first time we concluded a negotiation of this magnitude with a market player.  

“It is an important achievement for the company, the result of a complex development, negotiation and contracting effort with the first new owner of a refinery of the Divestment Program of Petrobras. This confirms our expertise and evidences the excellence of our services” states Glauco Vaz, Executive Director for Sales and New Business  of Transpetro. 

The infrastructure, located in Bahia, is composed of four pipeline systems (Orsub, Orcan, Orpene and Ormadre), three storage land terminals (Jequié, Candeias and Itabuna) and the Madre de Deus Waterway Terminal (Temadre), main outflow point for the refinery’s production, supplies the derivatives for the North and Northeast regions of the country. 


The Mataripe Refinery and its logistics assets were the first cluster (refinery and logistics assets)  of the Petrobras Divestment Program to have its sale concluded. The process started in June 2019 is aligned with Resolution no. 9/2019 of the National Energy Policy Council, which established directives to promote free competition in Brazil’s refining industry and is part of the commitment made by the company with the  Administrative Council on Economic Protection (Cade) for opening of the refining sector in Brazil.