This commitment is implemented by supporting projects implemented in different locations throughout Brazil, aiming to improve people's quality of life, promote gender and race equality, social inclusion, employment and income generation, in addition to enhancing environmental protection initiatives.

CDI - Center for Digital Inclusion

Ilha dos Búzios - Ilha Bela (SP)

cdi.jpgCDI’s goal with this project is to bring technology and its training as sources of information, connection, and integration with the world of the “continent”. The CDI believes that by providing access to the ICTs (Information and Communication Technology) tools, combined with connectivity and correct training, encourages the community to know its own reality, bringing a dialogue, and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of the people and, consequently, local development.

The Project will be held in the Municipal School of Porto do Meio, only school on the Porto do Meio community, located on the Island of Búzios, municipality of Ilhabela (SP). The community has its origin in traditional caiçara fishing communities, and have descendants of pirates visited the region in the 17th and 18th centuries. The living conditions of the population of this island community, worsened by almost no access to basic items such as potable water and electricity, gives them almost total social isolation. Access to the community is also extremely difficult, since the island has a rocky shore, with no beaches.