This commitment is implemented by supporting projects implemented in different locations throughout Brazil, aiming to improve people's quality of life, promote gender and race equality, social inclusion, employment and income generation, in addition to enhancing environmental protection initiatives.

Re-refine to Preserve project

São Sebastião (SP)

Projeto-Re-refinar.jpgThe Re-refine to Preserve project goal is to implement a program for the collection and storage of lubricating oil waste used in the ships associated with the Fishing Community Z-14, aiming to re-refine and reuse the oil.

It is an education and environmental responsibility action, with positive impacts on the conservation of marine resources of the North Coast of São Paulo. The project is in line with the resolution of the National Council for the Environment – CONAMA no. 362, of 2005, which regulates the necessary precautions for the disposal of used or contaminated lubricating oil, indicating re-refining as the safest and best environmental management alternative of this waste.