The inland terminals work as warehouses for the different means of transportation, ensuring, with their storage capacity over 10 thousand m³, the reliability of supply of oil and oil products, biofuels and gas.



Cubatão Terminal, with interconnects the Planalto Paulista, Baixada Santista and Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC), it's used as intermediate storage park, in situations of pumping or receipt of products from or to the Planalto. In other words, to São Caetano do Sul Terminal (derivates in general), to Capuava Refinery (Recap), petroleum, GLP and gasoline out of specification, and to Petrochemical Union S/A (Pusa) (petrochemical naphtha).



Rua Caminho dos Pilões, s/n  
CEP 11543-000
Fabril - Cubatão/SP


Product Derivatives, alcohol, biodiesel Oil
Quantity 13 2
Rated Capacity (m³) 112.625 47.229