The inland terminals work as warehouses for the different means of transportation, ensuring, with their storage capacity over 10 thousand m³, the reliability of supply of oil and oil products, biofuels and gas.



It receives and stores diesel fuel, gasoline and LPG coming from Madre de Deus Terminal, via Recôncavo-Sul da Bahia (Orsub) Pipeline, besides anhydrous and hydrous alcohol via road. Then it transfers the material to the distributor companies via loading for tank trucks.



Av. Tote Lomanto s/n 
CEP 45200-000
Bairro Suíça - Jequié/BA


Product Derivatives, alcohol and biodiesel
Quantity 16
Rated Capacity (m³) 199.979
Product GLPG
Quantity 3
Rated Capacity (m³) 4.462