The inland terminals work as warehouses for the different means of transportation, ensuring, with their storage capacity over 10 thousand m³, the reliability of supply of oil and oil products, biofuels and gas.

São Caetano do Sul


It receives, stores and transfers derivates and alcohols to Barueri, Guarulhos, Guararema, Cubatão, Santos and São Sebastião terminals; to Vale do Paraíba (Revap), Capuava (Recap), President Bernardes (RPBC) and Paulínia (Replan) refíneries; to Piratininga Factory, to Union Petrochemical, to Utingás and to the distibutor companies. The transportation is made by Santos-São Paulo (OSSP), Barueri-Utinga (Obati) and Guararema-Guarulhos (Osvat) pipelines.



Rua Felipe Camarão, 393
CEP: 09550-150
Bairro Prosperidade, São Caetano do Sul (SP) 


Product Derivatives, alcohol and biodiesel
Quantity 2
Rated Capacity (m³) 222.592