The Transpetro waterways terminals are operated by piers, monobuoys or mooring system.

Ilha Redonda


Ilha Redonda (TABG) - It is interconnected to Duque de Caxias (Reduc) Refinery, to Petroflex and to Polibrasil through a pipeline. The terminal may perform cabotage operations, GLP, butadiene and propene importation and exportation. Usually there's loading and unloading of GLP ships and unloading of butadiene and propene ships.



Rua Chapot Prevost, 200
CEP 21910-030
Freguesia - Ilha do Governador/RJ


Product LPG
Quantity 7
Rated Capacity (m³)     33.563
Berthing Points
Pier Pier 1
Draft (m) 8,5
LOA (m) 194
DWT 38.000