São Sebastião

Transpetro largest operating unit in moving products, the São Sebastião Terminal receives national and imported petroleum by oil tanker. It supplies four São Paulo state refineries: Paulínia (Replan), Vale do Paraíba (Revap), Capauva (Recap) and President Bernardes (RPBC). Petroleum is transferred to the refineries by pipelines. São Sebastião-Guararema (Osvat) pipeline provides Paulínia (Replan) and Vale do Paraíba (Revap) refineries, and Santos-São Sebastião (Osbat) pipeline provides Presidente Bernardes (RPBC) and Capuava (Recap) refineries. Derivate products come and go from the terminal by Guararema-Paulínia (Osplan) pipeline, and the exit also happens by tankers, with destinatiom to other national territory ports or to exportation.
Av. Guarda-Mor Lobo Viana, 1.111
CEP 11600-000
Centro - São Sebastião/SP
Tank | ||
Product | Oil | Derivatives, alcohol and biodiesel |
Quantity | 20 | 17 |
Rated Capacity (m³) | 1.585.345 | 426.326 |
Berthing Points | |||||
Pier | PP1 | PP2 | PP3 | PP4 | |
Draft (m) | 23 | 16,9 | 19 | 12,2 | |
LOA (m) | 340 | 280 | 275 | 225 | |
DWT | 300.000 | 155.000 | 150.000 | 65.000 |